PDCC annual subscription fees for 2024
Men’s senior (18 and over, weekend cricket)
Men’s unemployed/student
Women’s senior (18 and over)
Women’s unemployed/student
Juniors (under-18 girls and boys)
£50 (£40/head if paying for two children, an additional £20 for every child thereafter)
Social member/supporter*
Senior player payment options are as follows (by cash, cheque or online banking):
1. Single payment of £120.
2. Three instalments of £40.
3. Four instalments of £30.
4. Six instalments of £20.
5. Direct debit of £10/month
Payment options for unemployed/student members (by cash, cheque or online banking):
1. Single payment of £45.
2. Three instalments of £15.
3. Five instalments of £9.
All other subscriptions ahould be paid in full in a single payment.
*Social/supporter membership entitles access to the bar and club events.
Please note that if you are signing a child up for All Stars Cricket on a Monday evening, you will only pay a flat fee of £40 to the ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board). The club will not charge anything on top of that.
If paying online, please give your name as the payment reference.
For the club's bank details and any queries, please contact us at perthdoocot@gmail.com.
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